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DevOps Supercharged: Expert-driven, Automation-powered

Discover how our automated solutions and bespoke expertise can transform your business's speed, scalability, and success

Comprehensive <br>Management


From infrastructure setup, deployment to lifecycle management - all highly automated.

DevTeam <br>Empowerment


Automation and Devs' self-service accelerates deployments, increases observability, and reduces manual work.

Security and <br>Compliance

Security and

With CTO2B, security and compliance are built into our solutions, giving you peace of mind.

Continuous <br>Optimisation


Leverage our smart scaling solutions and cost management strategies for up to 50% lower cloud expenses.

Our solution

DevOps automation platform coupled expert hands-on support.

Why choose CTO2B?

Compare the benefits of using automated tools for cloud hosting and DevOps against traditional manual processes, including increased speed, efficiency, and cost savings.

Accelerated time to market

Accelerated time to market

Say goodbye to lengthy deployment processes. With CTO2B, it takes minutes to get your code up and running in the cloud.

Verified and error-proof

Verified and error-proof

Eliminated risk of human error with our automation.
We ensure your deployments are error-free, always.

Security & compliance

Security & compliance

With CTO2B, security and compliance are built into our solutions, giving you peace of mind.

Reduced cost

Reduced cost

Up to 50% lower cloud expenses due to our efficient configuration.
Up to 2x cheaper initial setup and maintenance.

Our team

Our team of experienced professionals have a deep understanding of cloud hosting and DevOps, and are dedicated to help businesses deploy and run their application in the cloud.



Team leader


Lead developer


Sales expert

Our Vision

Our vision is to revolutionize the way businesses approach cloud service adoption and DevOps by providing automated tools that optimize costs, processes and increase efficiency.

Technologies we use

Get on board

Ready to optimize your business? Drop us a line and we will help you.

or get a consultation